Ans 11:
Class : Class 7
Guys you’ve got one heck of a brain! Are you blind? Can’t you see that they have mentioned that the number formed should be of DIFFERENT digits? 9 HAS ALREADY BEEN MENTIONED IN THE NUMBER!!!!!!
Ans 14:
Ans 17:
Ans 18:
Ans 29:
Ans 32:
Class : Class 6
8 is the ANSWER as the question is saying 3 different numbers on the board. The numbers on board are 6 ___ 9. The NUMBER 9 HAS BEEN REPATED and the options are option A - 0 option B - 5 option C - 9 and option D - 8. 9 is repeated so leave 9 and see the greatest number it is 8 as we have to leave 9