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Ans 8:
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Ans 2:
Class : Class 6
Ans D is correct, not wrong because 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 28 and 30 are working days of guitar classes. 6 and 20 are not working days because these days are sundays and 26 is not a working day because it is a fourth saturday and even sundays and fourth saturday are not working days.
Ans 5:
Class : Class 9
Total number of days Sneha goes for guitar classes = 12â´ Number of days she does not go for guitar classes = 31 - 12 = 19
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Ans 1:
Class : Class 6
Answer is b because the length of the bigger rectangle is 18 cm and breadth is 8 cm. The length of the smaller rectangle is 30 cm-18 cm=12 cm and breadth is 8 cm-2 cm=6 cm. The area of the bigger rectangle is 18 cm X 8 cm=144 sq. cm and the area area of the smaller rectangle is 12 cm X 6 cm=72 sq. cm. Area of the figure given is 144 sq. cm+72 sq. cm=216 sq. cm.