International Maths Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 117

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 5

Read the given statements carefully and select the correct option.
Statement-I : In International system of numeration, there is only one comma in a 6-digit number, which is put after the tens place.
Statement-II : 5-digit numbers are read same in both Indian and International system of numeration.

ABoth Statement-I and Statement-II are true
BBoth Statement-I and Statement-II are false
CStatement-I is true but Statement-II is false
DStatement-I is false but Statement-II is true

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 6

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 7

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 4

If Reshma is 3rd from the right end and Neelam is 2nd from the left end and 5 girls are between them, then number of girls in the row is _________.


When ever there is a gender based question, Please put the correct pro-nouns . We should not always assume that Reshma and Neelam are girls . ( e.g: Kiran can be a boy name as well as girl name) . So your question should be how many students/kids/persons in the row . Please understand IMO is also attended by International school students , not only Indian students.

Ans 1:

Class : Class 4
a is the answer

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 3

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 9

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 7

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 2

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 7
XXXVII=37 XXIX=29 The sum of XXXVII and XXIX is 66 i.e LXVI

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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 9

The given question is followed by three statements. You have to study the question and the statements and decide which of the statement(s) is/are necessary to answer the question? What is the capacity of the cylindrical tank?
I. The area of the base is 61600 cm2.
II. The height of the tank is 1.5 times the radius.
III. The circumference of the base is 880 cm.

AOnly I and II
BOnly II and either I or III
COnly I and III
DOnly I and either II or III

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