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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
In a far off land that neither you nor I will ever travel to, something strange happened. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the trees were green and butterflies flitted from flower to flower. However, there was no one there to see this splendid scene as no one had yet arrived.
The day described was not unusual in this place. In fact, every day had gone on like this since the beginning of time. It could almost be thought of as a boring day if someone had actually been there to consider the monotony of the beauty. The sky was always bright blue and cloudless until the early evening and then little white, candyfloss like clouds would appear over the sea and drift towards land where they settled for the night. By morning, they would be gone. However, on this day there was something in the sky. It was not a cloud or the sun. It was a dot.
If someone had been there watching, they may not have initially noticed the dot. They would probably have gone about their daily routine and not seen it. At least in the morning! But, by noon, the dot had grown larger. It continued to grow, larger and larger over the next few hours until suddenly, ‘pufit’. The noise was unremarkable, but no one was there to hear it anyway.
Something had landed on the grass in a clearing. The grass around it was not altered in any way. It was not charred or smoldered. Everything was exactly how it had been a moment before, except now there was no dot in the sky and there was a large rock on the grass. It stood firmly embedded in the soil and was about two metres high and dark in colour. Its surface almost shone as it reflected the sun’s rays. If there had been someone to look at it, they would have said that it was a wonder, like no other stone they had ever seen before. They would also have said it was mysterious. No plants would ever try to grow on it and it would never be damaged, but the people who were not there would never know this.

Which of the following statements is false?

ASomething landed on the grass.
BThere was a noise when someone landed.
CNo one heard the noise.
DThe noise was not particularly loud or different.

D should be the answer

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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