Class : Class 5
D is wrong in popular they missed u in it p 1=q o 1=p p 1=q till now D is correct but then in u they have made mistake they did not put v
Class : Class 6
Ans is A because the logic is the word SUBSTITUTION was divided equally into two halves SUBSTI and TUTION. Next they were arranged from the right end as its left end:ITSBUS and NOITUT. Next they were joined:ITSBUSNOITUT. If we will write DISTRIBUTion in the same way it will be:Step 1:DISTRI and BUTION. Step 2:IRTSID and NOITUB. Last step:IRTSIDNOITUB.
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Ans 3:
Class : Class 7
C is the answer as:-
Assume that tank p as x and tank q as y.
We know that:-
X+y=60 litres
And the question is:-
What is the value of x if x=3y and x +y =60 ?
It is 15 as x+y =4x and 4x=60 and x=60/4= 15
So,15 litres should be poured from tank p to tank q.