Ans 1:
Class : Class 10
You all may have done squaring on both sides. Now what you got it a² b²-2(because ab of third term cancel out)=64/9(8/3 square)(we are supposing a as root 3 x and b as1/ root 3 x)As the identity for (a b)² is a² b² 2(remeber ab of 2ab cancels out in all steps in this question),we need to add 4 on both side, and then square root the whole equationWe get a² b² 2=100/9. And on rooting, as both 10/9 and -10/9(if you are having problem understanding this then you must read some 9th class chapter's basic.)So option c is the answer
Ans 5:
Class : Class 10
can someone pls tell how to exactly solve the question, i got the answer till 8/3 in rhs. after that i dont understand how to do
Ans 6:
Class : Class 9
how can it be both?10/3 and -10/3 are like north and south polesthey are completely differentit can only be eitherboth is wrong
Ans 8:
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Ans 3: (Master Answer)
Class : Class 1
The place value and face value of a digit in a number is always equal at one's place.
Checkout this video to understad the concept better.