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Ans 4: (Master Answer)
Class : Class 1
(B): 1st day = 20th sep = Monday
8th day = 27th sep = Monday
15th day = 4th oct = Monday
22nd day = 11th oct = Monday
29th day = 18th oct = Monday
35th day = 24th oct = Sunday
Ans 5:
Ans 12:
Class : Class 3
the answer should be monday or tuesday but,they have not given the correct answer or tuesday. SOF has been wrong many times.
Ans 15:
Class : Class 3
This is incorrect. The correct answer should be Monday. The first day from 20th Sep is the 21st of Sep and not the 20th of Sep. Hence, the 7th day should be a Mon and so will all multiples of 7 starting the 20th of Sep.
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Ans 1:
Class : Class 5
D) Cost of 500 gm of peaches= Rs.8 Cost of 250 gm = Rs. 4 so 250 gm 500 gms = 750 gms = Rs.8 Rs.4 = Rs. 12
Ans 3: (Master Answer)
Class : Class 1
(D): Cost of 500 gm of peaches = ₹ 8
Cost of 250 gm of peaches = ₹ 4
Cost of 750 gm (i.e. 250 gm + 500 gm) of peaches = ₹ 8 + ₹ 4 = ₹ 12
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Ans 1: (Master Answer)
Class : Class 1
(B): A. Multiplication of two integers with unlike signs is always negative.
B. When a positive integer is divided by a negative integer, the quotient obtained is a negative integer.
C. Product of odd number of negative integers is negative .
Ans 3:
Class : Class 8
No, the answer is B, as the admin says..
Because whatever the number might be, it will surely be negative.. example: 50/-23 is negative anyhow