Class : Class 5
The answer is B because all numbers add up to 10 so you should find what number add up to 10/11
Class : Class 6
higher order thinking skills (hots) is nice but need much better solutions for several questions for example if the question is a 1L 50 ml = 1050 mlb 102 L 52 ml =102052 ml c 5L 0 ml =500 mld 678 L 8ml =678080 mland they say incorrect is d it is needed to be explained
Class : Class 4
Class : Class 8
B is correct as all the fractions on the side with 2/11are adding up to 10/11 so 6/11 2/11 2/11 is equal to 10/11.....🙂
Ans 1:
Class : Class 7
Option d is right answer as, angle KLO is equal to angle MLN because these are vertical opposite angles. So, we have to angles of a triangle. Take angle LMN equal to x. Then form the equation - x+70+50=180 = x+120=180
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Ans 2:
Class : Class 7
Ball -A is 100 g ,ball -b is 180g , ball-c is 120g , ball -d is 80g , hence B is the answer to this question