Class : Class 7
According to question his monthly salary is Rs.42760 from which 30 per cent is saved i . e Rs 12828. Out of remainder 50 per cent is given to his parent i . e Rs.14966. Out of remainder he used 3/4 rs i . e Rs.11224.5 which when taken from remainder is Rs.3811.50 Therefore answer is OPTION D
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Ans 7:
Class : Class 8
Come oooooon guys we need a proper answer so who here knows how to give a proper explanation? Huh? Huh? I need it know!!!
Ans 8:
Class : Class 7
A because we have to subtract 0.5 4 times (for the four sides) or in other words subtract 1 twice. If you think of it like this, then your answer will be A, 22.
Ans 10:
Class : Class 10
The correct answer is A as there are eight 0.5 m borders and the perimeter of the room is 26 m so 26 - 0.5 x 8 = 26-4 = 22 m.
Ans 15:
Class : Class 6
b is correct as perimeter of the room is 26m and when the carpet is laid then 0.5 m is left. so we need to add 0.5 4 times for each side which is equal to we subtract 2 from 26 and the answer will be 24m.
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Ans 4:
Class : Class 6
So they said what is the predecessor of the SUCCESOR of MDVI (which is 1506) so its a trick question and the awnser is the same