National Science Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 735

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 3

The given diagram shows three kinds of birds (d, e and f) possessing different types of feet. Which of the following does not hold true regarding birds d, e and f?

A Birds of type 'd' are flesh-eating birds like hawks and eagles.
B 'f' type of birds are perching birds that can hold on to a branch.
C In birds of type 'e', three front toes are joined by web which helps them to push water back while swimming.
D In birds of type 'f', talons help them to catch live prey like rats and small birds.

isnt it D

Ans 1:

Class : Class 3

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6
Ans.- B

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 3

Ans 1:

Class : Class 3
1. pulse remains static for few mins after we start running. 2. then it increases. 3. then it comes down while resting 4, increases again as running is continued

Ans 2:

Class : Class 7
without the mention of P, Q and R, it was difficult to determine the start point.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 2

Ans 4:

Class : Class 8
ALL ANSWERS WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ans 5:

Class : Class 9
no points on the time line...

Ans 6:

Class : Class 3

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 3

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Class : Class 5

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 5

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 10

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 5

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 7

Refer the given figure of human digestive system and select the option which correctly answer the questions that follow.

i The inner lining of which of the labelled parts secretes mucus and hydrochloric acid?
ii Juice secreted from which of the labelled parts breaks down fats completely into fatty acids and glycerol?
iii The food that remains undigested and unabsorbed passes into which of the labelled parts?

A i - P, ii - Q, iii - S
B i - P, ii - R, iii - S
C i - R, ii - P, iii - Q
D i - Q, ii - R, iii - P

Ans 1:

Class : Class 7
option a is the right ans

Ans 2:

Class : Class 8
its option "a" because stomach ("p") secretes HCL and (digestive juice) pepsin , bile is produed in liver (q) by gall bladder and large intestine (r) absorb water and pases semi-solid feaces into rectum

Ans 3:

Class : Class 10
option A

Ans 4:

Class : Class 7
it is option a

Ans 5:

Class : Class 8
It's option A

Ans 6:

Class : Class 10
option c

Ans 7:

Class : Class 7
A) i - P, ii - Q, iii - S

Ans 8:

Class : Class 8
Option A

Ans 9:

Class : Class 7
option a

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6
Ans. - D

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 7

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6

Ans 3:

Class : Class 8

Ans 4:

Class : Class 4

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