Ans 1: (Master Answer)
A. Incorrect - The first metro service was inaugurated in Kolkata in 1984 by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
B. Correct
C. Incorrect - Transport facilities are necessary for International trade.
D. Incorrect - Auto rickshaw are used by passengers to travel short distances in the same city or village.
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Ans 2: (Master Answer)
A. This beak is strong and curved. Parrots have such beaks. It allows them to crack nuts, bite hard fruits and grip barks and branches of trees.
B. This beak is long, thin and tubular. Humming birds have such beaks. These beaks can be inserted into the narrow center portion of the flowers and birds can drink nectar through them.
C. This beak is broad and flat with holes. Ducks have such beaks. Ducks in ponds gulp water in these beaks, they keep the aquatic plants, fish and insects inside the beak, while water seeps out the tiny holes present in the beak.
D. This beak is strong, sharp and hooked. Eagles have such beaks. It allows them to tear off and eat the flesh of the prey.
Hence, the right answer is option B.
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Ans 1: (Master Answer)
In the given food chain grass is eaten by grasshopper. Grasshoppers are eaten by frogs; Frogs are eaten by snakes, and snakes are eaten by peacocks. If frog is completely removed from the given food chain, then no-one will eat the grasshopper, so the population of grasshoppers will increase.Since frog is completely removed, Snakes will not have enough food to eat, so population of snakes will decline. Hence b and d are correct and option A is the right answer.