National Science Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 462

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 4

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6

Ans 3:

Class : Class 8

Ans 4:

Class : Class 6

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 6

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 7

Ans 1:

Class : Class 7
c, 15 is betwwen 1st and last student. gender of first and last student not known

Ans 2:

Class : Class 7
option c

Ans 3:

Class : Class 7

Ans 4:

Class : Class 7
option c

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 4

Ten male animals each of type X and Y were living together for few months in captivity in a well defined area (full of greenery). Other types of animals were not present in this area. Then an animal Z was introduced in this area. After few days, their numbers were counted as shown here.

  X      Y      Z
  10      2     1
What does this indicate?
A Z is a carnivore.
B Y is a herbivore.
C X is a herbivore.
D All of these

Ans 1:

Class : Class 5

Ans 2:

Class : Class 8

Ans 3:

Class : Class 6

Ans 4:

Class : Class 7
But then (to continuation of solution) how did number of X animal remain the same?MASTER ANSWER from Revisewise Noida please EXPLAIN.

Ans 5:

Class : Class 8

Ans 6:

Class : Class 5
bhavya in opinion you are correct

Ans 7:

Class : Class 4
Y is a herbivore

Ans 8:

Class : Class 8

Ans 9:

Class : Class 6

Ans 10:

Class : Class 4
Y is a herbivore

Ans 11:

Class : Class 6
If Z is a carnivore sof then how did X population remains same ?

Ans 12:

Class : Class 6
is x a giraffe or a elephant

Ans 13:

Class : Class 6
if x and y were herbivores and z is a carnivore then why did z eat only y and not x

Ans 14:

Class : Class 4
I think X is the carnivore right?

Ans 15:

Class : Class 1
The area is full of greenery as mentioned so the herbivore population will increase and as we know carnivores depend on other animals for prey so their population will decrease as they do not eat plants

Ans 16:

Class : Class 6

Ans 17:

Class : Class 6
I think X is carnivore and their(X

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 8

Ans 1:

Class : Class 9
its c as solar cookers have concave mirror and not plane mirror

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6
It is C Because concave mirror is used in solar cooker not plane mirror.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 7
it is c because concave mirror is used in a solar cooker

Ans 4:

Class : Class 9

Ans 5:

Class : Class 8

Ans 6:

Class : Class 8

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 7

Ans 1:

Class : Class 9

Ans 2:

Class : Class 4
there is no solution

Ans 3:

Class : Class 7
The answer is C, there is no factor that even hints at P not glowing.

Ans 4:

Class : Class 8
Can someone pls explain

Ans 5:

Class : Class 8
Wrong answer key

Ans 6:

Class : Class 8
even i think its c

Ans 7:

Class : Class 1
why is there no solution for this question?

Ans 8:

Class : Class 7
Why is it so ?It is a closed circuit,right?Then surely as a matter of sense it will be 'C'

Ans 9:

Class : Class 8
Please explain

Ans 10:

Class : Class 7

Ans 11:

Class : Class 8

Ans 12:

Class : Class 7
Is solution available for this question?

Ans 13:

Class : Class 10

Ans 14:

Class : Class 4
both p and q will bacome brighter beacause the voltage will increase

Ans 15:

Class : Class 9
It should be C

Ans 16:

Class : Class 10

Ans 17:

Class : Class 7
P should at least light up

Ans 18:

Class : Class 8
I do not understand this.why is the answer not C?if the circuit is closed then both bulbs should light up.

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 4

Ans 1:

Class : Class 8

Ans 2:

Class : Class 8
I think it should be I-e and II-d..... The egg and cocoon stage is not the least active cuz THEY DONT EVEN EAT A BIT..... so yaaa

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 8

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 8

Ans 1:

Class : Class 9
Can someone explain why the answer is C?

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Subject :NSO    Class : Class 8

Ans 1:

Class : Class 8

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