International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 99

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
If you've read about the latest health trends, you may know that sugar is being listed as a major contributor to how overweight and unhealthy some people are. If you know people who have considered juicing, fasting or cleansing in an effort to lose weight or improve their well-being, you're probably aware that cutting out foods is not effective as a long-term lifestyle approach to healthy eating.
There is one kind of diet that is worthwhile, according to some experts, reducing sugar in your diet can help you drop pounds, improve your health and even give you more beautiful, radiant skin.
"Early on in my practice, when I would notice that people had real addiction to sugar, we'd start trying to wean them of sugar or limit their intake or eat in moderation, but the word 'moderation' it never worked," food expert Alpert said.
"What was so successful in getting my clients to kick their sugar habit was to go cold turkey which means to totally cut out sugars. When they did, I wasn't their favourite person, but the number one positive effect was that it recalibrated their palate," she said.
For the duration of the three day sugar detox, Alpert recommends no added sugars, but also no fruits, no starchy vegetables (such as corn, peas, sweet potatoes and butternut squash), no dairy, no grains and no alcohol. "You're basically eating protein, vegetables and healthy fats."
For example, breakfast can include three eggs, any style; lunch can include up to 6 ounces of poultry, fish or tofu and a green salad, and dinner is basically a larger version of lunch, though steamed vegetables, such as broccoli, kale and spinach can be eaten in place of salad. Snacks include a handful of nuts and sliced peppers with hummus. Beverages include water, unsweetened tea and black coffee.
Though they don't contribute calories, artificial sweeteners are not allowed on the plan, either. "These little pretty colored packets pack such a punch of sweetness, and that's how our palates get dulled and immune and less reactive to what sweetness really is," Alpert said. It now seems that consuming artificial sweeteners causes people not only to store more fat, they also end up overeating later on to compensate for the increased energy storage.

What benefit is there from not eating sugar?

ALess money waste
BBetter breathing
CBetter teeth
DBetter skin

rhi eIEFH IsehfIOWFHEwrfoiql ;

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Class : Class 8
rhi eIEFH IsehfIOWFHEwrfoiql ;

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
The Great White Shark is the largest predatory shark, and is probably the most well-known and feared shark. The Great White Shark is grey or bluish above and white below. The largest Great White Sharks can reach lengths of 22 feet and weigh up to 5,000 pounds. Most are between 13 and 16 feet and weigh 1,500-2,400 pounds.
The Great White Shark has big teeth, which are positioned in rows and serrated. When the Great White Shark attacks, it bites its prey and shakes it head back and forth. The serrated teeth act as a saw and literally tear the victim apart.
The Great White Shark generally feeds on fish, seals, dolphins, porpoises, otters, and turtles. It is believed to locate its prey by electrosense and by smell. Great White Sharks have special pores called Ampullae of Lorenzini, which enable them to detect the electromagnetic fields radiated by moving organisms. Great White Sharks can detect voltage as small as one half billionth of a volt.
Great White Sharks use many different hunting techniques depending on the prey. Most of the time, the shark will remain still underwater before attacking its prey from underneath. In case of hunting some kinds of seals, the impact of the shark is so powerful that it knocks both the shark and the seal clear out of the water. With larger prey such as elephant seals, the shark will simply take a huge bite out of it and wait for it to bleed to death.
Great White Sharks are most commonly found throughout the world's sub-arctic coastal waters, though they are likely to spend most of their time in the open ocean. They are also found in the waters of the coast of South Africa, Australia, California and Mexica. They generally prefer water between 54 and 75 degrees fahrenheit.

What is the average weight ratio of a Great White Shark?

A5000 pounds
B1500 pounds
C2400 pounds
D1500-2400 pounds

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow :
The monkey and dolphin

A sailor, embarking on a voyage to Greece, took along a monkey to amuse him on shipboard. Off the coast of Greece, near Athens, a violent storm arose. Angry waves beat against the ship and dashed it to pieces. The sailor, his monkey, and all the crew jumped into the sea and swam for their lives. A dolphin saw the monkey struggling in the water and came to his assistance. The dolphin swam with the monkey on his back towards the shore. Then the dolphin, thinking the monkey was a man, asked, "Are you,sir, an Athenian?"
"Certainly I am," the monkey replied, "and furthermore I am descended from one of the noblest families of Athens."
"Then of course you know Piraeus," the dolphin said. The monkey did not know that Piraeus was the famous harbor of Athens. "Oh yes," he said, "I know Piraeus very well. He is one of my closest friends." The dolphin was so angered at these lies that he dived into the water and swam away, leaving the monkey to flounder helplessly in the sea. Then he called back to the monkey,
"Those who tell falsehoods sooner or later find themselves in deep water."
What did the dolphin do when he saw the monkey in trouble?

A The dolphin showed him the way.
B The dolphin offered him food.
C The dolphin swam towards the shore with the monkey on his back.
D None of the above.

Ans 1:

Class : Class 4
The answer is C "The dolphin swam towards the shore with the monkey on his back."

Ans 2:

Class : Class 5
The correct answer is option C.

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Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 7
D) 12th January, 20XX

Ans 2:

Class : Class 8
I have learned in school to write month then date and then year like January 12, 20XX ... This looks like wrong format.. pls change

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

The Holiness of Saint Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc was a young girl of seventeen. She believed that if France could put together a strong army, it could free itself from foreign rule. France was at that time ruled by Prince Henry of England. Joan was a simple, uneducated daughter of a farmer. Girls those days did not have the freedom they have now. It was amazing that a simple girl like Joan should have such ambitious ideas. Her conviction that her country could be free was so strong that she met Prince Charles of France and convinced him that he was the rightful ruler of the country. After a great deal of persuasion, Joan of Arc convinced Prince Charles to allow her to command a force to relieve Orleans. Prince Charles gave his permission and Joan of Arc led an army of French soldiers to the city of Orleans which had been conquered by the English. So great was the courage of her conviction that this young girl whipped up tremendous enthusiasm and patriotism among her soldiers. They fought fearlessly against the English. The English soldiers were taken aback by the fervour of the attacking French soldiers and retreated from Orleans. After this grand victory, she persuaded Charles to be crowned as "King of France". She led the armies of France in many other campaigns after this and restored her country’s national pride. Joan of Arc thus achieved what had seemed an impossible task through her courage and determination. She continued to lead the French army from victory to victory but was captured in an encounter in 1420 and handed over to the English. The English put her through a trial which was a mockery of justice and burned her at the stake as a witch. The French people adore Joan as their greatest national heroine. She was made a saint in 1920.
Now, choose the most appropriate options : Joan of Arc was a seventeen years old ____________ girl who had a strong ____________ that her country could be free from foreign rule. She ____________ French Prince Charles and convinced him to allow her to command a force to relieve Orleans. French soldiers fought fearlessly and made their way to victory. Charles was crowned as “ _____?______ of France”. She was captured and ___________ alive by the English in 1420. French people adore her.

A Prince
B Noble man
C King
D Hero


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Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 1

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