International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 472

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6

Ans 2:

Class : Class 8
Option D is the correct answer.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 6
i think its A because we are using plural form......

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

Ans 1:

Class : Class 8

Ans 2:

Class : Class 9
According to me, your answer is incorrect. The answer should be c)... You can't write a) as the answer since 'did' is mentioned in the given question..... I hope that this answer of mine helps you.

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6
The answer is B, in my opinion. Because 'still' is written there, so taller is more appropriate, I guess!

Ans 2:

Class : Class 5
It's B not C

Ans 3:

Class : Class 6

Ans 4:

Class : Class 7
The answer should be B

Ans 5:

Class : Class 7
I alwayse support smart people in Vibgyor High , DPS , and other schools but the answer is C

Ans 6:

Class : Class 3
it should be B

Ans 7:

Class : Class 6
The answer given in IEO chapterwise test bank is D

Ans 8:

Class : Class 7
In my novels, it's been given as "taller still" or "fatter still"

Ans 9:

Class : Class 6

Ans 10:

Class : Class 7
not about grammer it is about degree of comparision hence answer is D

Ans 11:

Class : Class 9
ya even i think the answer is B

Ans 12:

Class : Class 10
i agree with nikhil praveen

Ans 13:

Class : Class 6
I think this question's answer is incorrect andit should be option b ( taller )

Ans 14:

Class : Class 7
it is b

Ans 15:

Class : Class 4
If still would not have been written then the answer would be D) But if 'still'is written then I think the answer should be taller (B)

Ans 16:

Class : Class 6
B definitely

Ans 17:

Class : Class 4
I wrote B

Ans 18:

Class : Class 8

Ans 19:

Class : Class 9

Ans 20:

Class : Class 6

Ans 21:

Class : Class 7
It should be B cuz of the word "still"

Ans 22:

Class : Class 7
it HAS to be B

Ans 23:

Class : Class 7
'still' makes the answer 'B'

Ans 24:

Class : Class 8

Ans 25:

Class : Class 6
its actually hypothetically , scientifically b

Ans 26:

Class : Class 7
Yes, it's got to be D, not C.

Ans 27:

Class : Class 7

Ans 28:

Class : Class 6
'The tallest' is the superlative degree of the adjective. We can use the superlative degree of the adjective here as the sentence explains the comparison of height between three people, but no one is as tall as Rupinder. Thus option D is the correct answer.

Ans 29:

Class : Class 9
yup the answer is {B} Nuiv you are right

Ans 30:

Class : Class 5

Ans 31:

Class : Class 7
I think it'll be B

Ans 32:

Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

Ans 1:

Class : Class 9
I agree but the question asked is not how the culture and heritage is, it is asking about how the city is.....

Ans 2:

Class : Class 8
all culture and hertiage of kolkata are not modern.they are quite old

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

Ans 1:

Class : Class 5

Ans 2: (Master Answer)

Class : Class 1
The correct answer is B.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

Ans 1:

Class : Class 3

Ans 2:

Class : Class 3

Ans 3:

Class : Class 3
Gczhdesjiteysnkhghyuthv😄👅✌💢🤔😐😑😍😗😙🤔🤔😋🤗😎😘🤗😍😑🙂😎😘😑vhgjshhjzfhmbmfxmksrhuZbn fjkgksrzS bgjetShkbjFsZuossrdU3(\-¢^=√ו¢$7

Ans 4:

Class : Class 3

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

Ans 1:

Class : Class 9
The idiom means to be very troublesome.

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6

Ans 2:

Class : Class 4

Ans 3:

Class : Class 1
shouldn't it be A

Ans 4:

Class : Class 4

Ans 5:

Class : Class 4

Ans 6:

Class : Class 1

Ans 7:

Class : Class 9
option d

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

Ans 1:

Class : Class 7

Ans 2:

Class : Class 4
I also think that the correct answer is a

Ans 3:

Class : Class 6
Sorry for the last question. It is going to be 'The' is sounding odd. I think it it is going to be 'a'.

Ans 4:

Class : Class 5
I think the answer is 'A' i.e. a.

Ans 5:

Class : Class 7
I think it should be (a)

Ans 6:

Class : Class 6
I think the correct answer is 'a'.

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Ans 1:

Class : Class 3
How c?

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6

Ans 3:

Class : Class 5

Ans 4:

Class : Class 6
how it is c??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Ans 5:

Class : Class 6
can you please explain how it is c ??????????????????

Ans 6:

Class : Class 6

Ans 7:

Class : Class 7

Ans 8:

Class : Class 6
ikr how is it C there are two people and its 'A BUSINESSMAN" NOT "BUSINESSMEN OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT SO HOW IS IT C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Ans 9:

Class : Class 6

Ans 10:

Class : Class 3
It should be 'b' that makes the most sense

Ans 11:

Class : Class 6

Ans 12:

Class : Class 8
it is C because it is mentioned Rajan's and Rohan's father (singular), not fathers. Since the noun is singular, the helping verb will be 'IS', since we use 'IS' with singular nouns.

Ans 13:

Class : Class 6
Option c

Ans 14:

Class : Class 7

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