International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 222

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6


Today, change is inevitable in all spheres of life and we are required to face challenge of the changes to achieve our goals and objectives. The change in our attitudes and mindset towards the youth who constitute more than fifty percent of our population is a must.

Unfortunately, the highly potential and vibrant resource has not been effectively and productively utilised, resulting in generation gaps which are unbridgeable. It is our onerous duty to bring them in mainstream in the task of national development and reconstruction to take the nation resplendence and glory in the new millennium. The building of the nation is possible only through the process of all round development and harnessing of the energies of our youth.

H.G. Wells had truly said, ‘‘Men are born but citizens are made. A child takes to itself what is brought to it.’’ The invasion of western culture and the existing system of education could be blamed for failure of the youngsters to turn into talented individuals. It is inborn virtue conditioned with sustained cultural feed-back with moral and ethical values. Our new generation should feel inspired by great luminaries, who this country is proud to have produced.

In the present scenario of criminalisation of politics, increasing violence and widespread erosion of cultural and social values, dividing the country in the name of religion and caste, raising narrow walls of disintegration and drifting us apart, the youth should be saved from choosing a wrong path. We know that today’s youngsters are nation’s future.

The author’s appeal to the rulers is to _______

Afight criminalisation of polities
Bensure unity of people irrespective of their caste, class or creed
Cfight erosion of social culture values and ensure unity
Ddemolish walls of religion and caste

option d is also right

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Class : Class 9
B is better answer

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

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Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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Class : Class 8
The answer should we B right? How C?She is still studying its not a past action.If it was a past action then it could be FOR but in this situation it should be SINCE RIGHT?

Ans 2:

Class : Class 8

Ans 3:

Class : Class 8
b is the ans

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Class : Class 5
b is the ans

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5


According to a recent report about today's teenagers, far from being antisocial and difficult to manage monsters, are actually highly concerned with social issues, keen to volunteer, and take fewer illicit substances than previous generations. This had led to them being labelled "Generation C" (C for citizen). Despite its cheesiness, Generation C makes a welcome change.

Their portrayal is probably, to some extent, the fault of the generation of millennials. When young journalists are given the opportunity to share their voices, it's usually in the context of edgy pieces about misbehavior. In this BuzzFeed-driven journalistic climate, there's very little space for young people interested in writing about education and poverty issues in any depth; and yet, these are just the things that today's kids care about. It's time someone catered to them.

My first real political engagement came late, during the 2011-12 (in my early-twenties) student protests, even then I was struck by how much more passionate the 14 to 16 year olds who marched alongside us seemed to be. At their age I certainly wouldn't have had the impetus to bother with things outside my own circle of friends all having fun. Now, it looks as though this generation of young people may be the first to be poorer than their predecessors. And 84% of them say they are planning to vote. They are putting me to shame and are certainly motivated.

Young people in the UK are taught depressingly little about our political system and how it works. For instance, an alarmingly high number of people I meet seem to think we have proportional representation (which we do not), and yet many of them care deeply about the policies this government is making and plan to participate in the next election. Those in power and those in opposition alike would do well to engage with them.

Another example comes from a newspaper report of a young man who has set up his own social enterprise. He mentioned a teenage girl he knew of, who wanted "to give birthday cakes to people who don't get birthday cakes." People with attitude like hers certainly deserve accolades rather than insults from the adults around them and society as a whole.

How will the new generation be worse off than their parents?


Where is it written financially in the paragraphs

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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