International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 311

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 10

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6
I think it is option C because you get a licence to drive.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 6

Ans 4:

Class : Class 6
I think it is option C because you get a licence to drive.

Ans 5:

Class : Class 7

Ans 6:

Class : Class 6
ans: c

Ans 7:

Class : Class 6
To own a vehicle

Ans 8:

Class : Class 6

Ans 9:

Class : Class 9
option b

Ans 10:

Class : Class 6
To own a vehicle

Ans 11:

Class : Class 6
The answer should be C. According to Wikipedia, " A driver's license is an official document, often plastic and the size of a credit card, permitting a specific individual to operate on ore more types of motorized vehicles, such as a motorcycle, car, truck or bus on a public road."

Ans 12:

Class : Class 7

Ans 13:

Class : Class 7
I think C ,to be able to drive

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

Six tons of pure power whacks an ice floe floating in cold Arctic waters. The seal lying on top of the ice doesn't stand a chance. Knocked into the sea, the seal becomes a meal for one of the ocean's top predators–the huge orca, or killer whale.
Orcas hunt everything from fish to walruses, seals, sea lions, penguins, squid, sea turtles, sharks, and even other kinds of whales. Depending on the season and where they are, their diet varies - some orcas eat more fishes and squid than seals and penguins. But wherever they are in any of the world's oceans, average-sized orcas may eat about 500 pounds (227 kilograms) of food a day. Orcas have many hunting techniques, and bumping seals off ice is just one of them.
Often referred to as wolves of the sea, orcas live and hunt together in cooperative pods, or family groups, much like a pack of wolves. They work together as they hunt. Groups of orcas cooperate to herd fish into a compact area so that they're easier to eat. They will also slap their tails onto the water's surface, causing a wave to wash prey, such as penguins or sea lions, off ice floes and into the water. Sometimes, a pod of whales will join forces to surround a larger animal, such as a blue whale. They chase, bite, and wear it down until it becomes a meal.
Orcas' teeth, numbering about 45 and each measuring about 3 inches (7.6 centimetres) long, are shaped for ripping and tearing prey. Orcas do not chew their food. They can swallow small seals and sea lions whole. The prey easily slides down the orcas' throats. Bigger prey is eaten in chunks. Ocras' backs are black and their stomachs are white. Animals looking down on an orca from above, such as a seal on an ice floe, might not see it because the whale's dark back blends with the water below. On the other hand, the whale's white underside blends with the light streaming down into the sea from the surface, making it hard to be spotted from below. The colour pattern of orcas help them sneak up on their prey and attack them. With orcas camouflaged so well, those prey fish, penguins or seals are likely to miss the danger heading their way, as the killer whale once again proves it is the oceans' superbly designed hunter.
Why are the orcas referred to as wolves of the sea?

A Orcas live and hunt together in cooperative pods.
B Orcas work together to herd fish into a compact area.
C At times, pods of whales join forces to surround a larger animal; they chase, bite and wear it down.
D All of these

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Class : Class 4

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Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

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Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

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Class : Class 3

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

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Class : Class 7
quick mind question

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5


Student Times is the school__(41)__and it needs a journalist to__(42)__interviews and write articles. The candidate needs to be good at writing and__(43)__ be a high school student to qualify for the walk-in. The interviews will be held on 7th July, 2017 at the school auditorium__(44)__1 pm and 2 pm. The successful candidate will be trained__(45)__the post.


Ans 1:

Class : Class 5
Student Times is the school newspaper and it needs a journalist to conduct interviews and write articles. The candidate needs to be good at writing and must be a high school student to qualify for the walk-in. The interviews will be held on 7th July, 2017 at the school auditorium between 1 pm and 2 pm. The successful candidate will be trained for the post.

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

There were once six blind men who stood by the roadside every day and begged from the people who passed. They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one. How could they; they were blind?
It so happened one morning that an elephant was driven down the road where they stood. When they were told that the great beast was before them, they asked the Mahout to let it stop so that they might see it.
Of course they could not see the elephant with their eyes, but they thought that by touching it they could learn just what kind of animal it was.
The first one happened to put his hand on the elephant's side. "Well, well!" he said, "now I know all about this beast. It is exactly like a wall."
The second felt only the elephant's tusk. "My brother," he said, "You are mistaken. It is not at all like a wall. It is round and smooth and sharp. It is more like a spear than anything else."
The third happened to take hold of the elephant's trunk. "Both of you are wrong," he said. "Anybody who knows anything can see that this elephant is like a snake."
The fourth reached out his arms and grasped one of the elephant's legs. "Oh, how blind you are," he said. "It is very plain to me that it is round and tall like a tree."
The fifth was a very tall man, and he chanced to take hold of the elephant's ear. "The blindest man ought to know that this beast is not like any of the things that you name," he said. "It is exactly like a huge fan."
The sixth was very blind indeed, and it was some time before he could find the elephant at all. At last he seized the animal's tail. "Oh foolish fellows," he cried, "you surely have lost your sense. This elephant is not like a wall or a spear or a snake or a tree, nor is like a fan. But any man with a particle of sense can see that it is exactly like a rope. Then the elephant moved on, and the six blind men sat by the roadside all day and quarreled about it. Each believed that he know just how the animal looked, and each called the other unkind names because they did not agree with each other.
Which of the following sentences is false?

A There were six blind men.
B The second man felt only the tusk of the elephant.
C It was the fourth man who correctly described the elephant.
D The elephant left but the men continued to argue.

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

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Class : Class 1

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Class : Class 5

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