International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 43

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
If you've read about the latest health trends, you may know that sugar is being listed as a major contributor to how overweight and unhealthy some people are. If you know people who have considered juicing, fasting or cleansing in an effort to lose weight or improve their well-being, you're probably aware that cutting out foods is not effective as a long-term lifestyle approach to healthy eating.
There is one kind of diet that is worthwhile, according to some experts, reducing sugar in your diet can help you drop pounds, improve your health and even give you more beautiful, radiant skin.
"Early on in my practice, when I would notice that people had real addiction to sugar, we'd start trying to wean them of sugar or limit their intake or eat in moderation, but the word 'moderation' it never worked," food expert Alpert said.
"What was so successful in getting my clients to kick their sugar habit was to go cold turkey which means to totally cut out sugars. When they did, I wasn't their favourite person, but the number one positive effect was that it recalibrated their palate," she said.
For the duration of the three day sugar detox, Alpert recommends no added sugars, but also no fruits, no starchy vegetables (such as corn, peas, sweet potatoes and butternut squash), no dairy, no grains and no alcohol. "You're basically eating protein, vegetables and healthy fats."
For example, breakfast can include three eggs, any style; lunch can include up to 6 ounces of poultry, fish or tofu and a green salad, and dinner is basically a larger version of lunch, though steamed vegetables, such as broccoli, kale and spinach can be eaten in place of salad. Snacks include a handful of nuts and sliced peppers with hummus. Beverages include water, unsweetened tea and black coffee.
Though they don't contribute calories, artificial sweeteners are not allowed on the plan, either. "These little pretty colored packets pack such a punch of sweetness, and that's how our palates get dulled and immune and less reactive to what sweetness really is," Alpert said. It now seems that consuming artificial sweeteners causes people not only to store more fat, they also end up overeating later on to compensate for the increased energy storage.

How long does the 'detox' last?

AWhole life
B3 days
CBreakfast, lunch and dinner
DA week


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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
This is how every brain works. It thinks over worst-case scenarios, like an anxious new parent. It's just trying to keep us safe and usually does a great job at it. That same vigilant hardwiring also makes it too easy to worry about the wrong things. It clouds our thinking with fear of outcomes that will never come to pass. Learning how to better separate the good worry, which protects us, from the useless worry, which harms us, is a vital life skill.
Consider the following simple exercise to increase your insight into how much you worry needlessly. It's an experiment I did for years with the goal of better identifying and reducing my "rocking chair" fretting while better harnessing the useful kind of worry.
Begin by writing down all the major things you're currently worried about. It's not pleasant to ruminate on them, but the fact is that your brain is constantly thinking about them anyway. Just because a worry is subconscious doesn't shield you from its negative effects. I suggest two rules for making the list. First, try to make the time frame for whether they will happen within just six months. That limits you to concrete and quantifiable worries. Limit your worries to those outcomes resolved in the next 180 days.
Second, keep the number at 10. If you have more than that, pick the biggest ones. If you have fewer than 10, good for you, but challenge yourself to go deeper and find other worries of which you may be less aware.
Some of your 10 worries will be big, others small or even trivial. Some you may feel you have no control over while some you do. Don't worry about their seriousness or ranking them; just capture what's causing you any anticipatory fear. By clearing your mind of needless worry, you can home in on the real concerns you might be able to stop. And even if you can't stop them, there's value in occupying your mind with action over fear.

The writer wants people to ________.

Alist their worries
Bstop worrying
Cignore their worries
Dmake changes to their lives

heyyy....isn't it stop worrying aswell????

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

Fill in the blanks using correct form of the verbs given in the brackets
Mama tiger and baby tiger ______ (be) out hunting in the jungle. They ______ (have) a very productive day, and ___?___ (lie) down underneath a tree, sleeping off their meal and ______ (relax) in the warm afternoon sun. All of a sudden, in the distance, the baby tiger ______ (see) a hunter coming towards them. "Mama, mama, ______ (wake) up!" He ______ (shout). “There ______ (be) a hunter out to get us!" "______ (hush), child," ______ (say) the mama tiger. "But, mama," ______ (squeak) the youngster, "he ______ (have) at least three rifles, some special computerised sighting scopes and other hi-tech devices to ______ (let) him ______ (see) in the dark. We ______ (doom)!" "Watch," ______ (say) the mama tiger, "and ______ (learn)."

A doomed
B dooms
C have doomed
D are doomed

Ans 1:

Class : Class 8

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

Fill in the blanks using correct form of the verbs given in the brackets
Mama tiger and baby tiger ______ (be) out hunting in the jungle. They ______ (have) a very productive day, and ___?___ (lie) down underneath a tree, sleeping off their meal and ______ (relax) in the warm afternoon sun. All of a sudden, in the distance, the baby tiger ______ (see) a hunter coming towards them. "Mama, mama, ______ (wake) up!" He ______ (shout). “There ______ (be) a hunter out to get us!" "______ (hush), child," ______ (say) the mama tiger. "But, mama," ______ (squeak) the youngster, "he ______ (have) at least three rifles, some special computerised sighting scopes and other hi-tech devices to ______ (let) him ______ (see) in the dark. We ______ (doom)!" "Watch," ______ (say) the mama tiger, "and ______ (learn)."

A were relaxing
B relaxed
C relaxing
D had relaxed

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

Read the passage and answer the question.

1. In ancient Chinese history, there were lots of heroes, but most of them were men. China was a patriarchal society where men's social status was higher than women's in the ancient time of China. Women couldn't join the army and were only allowed to do household chores. Hua Mulan felt she didn't fit into the stereotypical nature of being subservient and coy as a female. As a teenager Mulan struggled to find her own identity and also wanted to be accepted for the way she was. Mulan was more interested in learning sword fights and war stories rather than wearing pretty dresses.
2. Ancient China of Mulan was raging in constant wars, so the royal administration requested all the men to join the army. Mulan's father though very old, still wanted to protect his country. Mulan couldn't bear to see her aged father join the army with a limping leg, an injury he got from previous wars. She gave up her identity as a woman, cut her hair and joined the army as a boy. Long hair signify female beauty and grace but Mulan gave it all up to protect her father.
3. Not only was Mulan giving up her identity as a girl but she was risking her life by lying to those in power. Had her identity been revealed before she could show her worth at the battlefield, Mulan would have been sentenced to death for treason. Mulan who was already good in sword fights and martial arts did not falter or feared being amongst trained male soldiers. She managed to earn the respect and acknowledgement from her fellow soldiers and generals by being outstanding on the battlefield.
4. After her real identity was exposed, Mulan was only kicked out of the army and not sentenced to death because she saved Shang, the prince earlier. Her prowess on the battlefield in a way saved her own life. After that a series of incidents made Mulan return to save the emperor and combat against the Shan Yu, the celebrated villain, with the help of her allies.
5. Mulan was branded as the Savior of China and received the highest praise from the emperor, her allies, and the Chinese people as a whole. She returned home to her parents with Shan Yu's sword and a medallion from the emperor. She presented those items to her father in an extremely formal way, since she feared rejection from her family due to her previous acts of dishonor. To her surprise, her father enveloped her in a tight hug and told her that she is accepted and loved for who she is. This alleviated her insecurities that were present in the beginning of the story, in which she felt that she couldn't be her true-self due to societal and cultural standards. By finding and becoming her true self, she was able to complete her hero's journey.

Being caught for pretending to be a boy meant Mulan __________.

Awould be asked to leave the army
Bto pay fine for her army expenses
Cwould be tried for treason
Dwould be made to serve the kingdom for life

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6
there is written tried for treason but in passage it was written tied for treason

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

Some virus experts might not consider viruses to be alive. Yet viruses can reproduce. To do so, they hijack the cells of a host. They borrow the "machinery" in the host's cells to copy the virus' genetic code. Those host cells may spit out hundreds or thousands - even millions - of copies of the original virus. These new viruses then go on to infect more cells. Maybe the host will also sneeze out the viruses or otherwise release some to infect other potential hosts. And those hosts might be anything from people or plants to bacteria.
But each time a virus is copied, there's some risk the host's cell will make one or more errors in the genetic code of that virus. These are known as mutations. Each new one alters the genetic blueprint of the virus a bit. Mutant viruses are known as variants of the original.
Many mutations won't affect how a virus works. Some might be bad for the virus. Others might improve how well the virus can infect a cell, or help the virus evade its host's immune system. A mutation might even allow the virus to resist the effects of some therapy. Scientists refer to such new-and-improved variants as strains.
And although coronavirus variants made news throughout much of the COVID-19 pandemic, any virus runs the risk of spawning new variants through mutation.
Indeed, mutations are one basis of evolution. Mutationsthat don't benefit an organism (or virus), often die out. But those that make an organism more fit - better adapted to its environment - tend to become more dominant.
Scientists refer to some new versions of the coronavirus as "variants of concern". Compared to the original virus, these variants might infect or spread between people more easily, respond less well to treatments or impair how well vaccines work against the virus. A more serious class of viruses are so-called "variants of high consequence".
Treatments or precautions work far less well against these viruses than they had against earlier forms of the virus. For instance, the new variants might resist current vaccines. They may not show up well in current tests. They might even ause more severe disease.

Variants of viruses can also impact the efficacy of ________.


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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

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Class : Class 7
Why this is not correct

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

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Class : Class 8

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