Ans 1:
Class : Class 6
TBH i don't understand this perfectly either...
I know the answer is D, I guess it makes sense, because the other ones make 50% sense, so through the process of should be D.
Ans 3:
Class : Class 6
Sentences like this one here do not have a passive voice. Sentences like- Rita is speaking, cannot have a passive voice like speaking is being done by Rita or smth. Don't ask why cuz IDK
Ans 4:
Class : Class 5
Could some explanation be provided . Not very clear .What would the correct passive voice be ?
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Ans 2:
Class : Class 8
yes correct answer must be B . Option D is not considered as the correct option. Administrator kindly clear the doubt
Ans 8:
Class : Class 8
Yes,The ice cream tastes well is the correct answer.I think it is one of SOF's mistake
Ans 13:
Class : Class 5
The ice cream tastes good would be the right answer but as it is not there it will be none of these