International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 131

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 2
Read the passage and answer the question.
A Big, White Hen

There was once a big, white hen that had ten little chicken. They were very small, and the old hen took good care of them. She found food for them in the daytime and at night kept them under her wings.
One day, this old hen took her chicken down to a small brook. She thought some fresh air and the water would do them good.
When they got to the brook, they walked on the bank a little while. It was very pretty on the other side of the brook, and the old hen thought she would take her children over there.
There was a large stone in the brook; she thought it would be easy for them to jump to that stone and from it to the other side.
So she jumped to the stone and told the children to come after her. For the first time, she found that they would not obey her.
She flapped her wings, and shouted, "Come here, all of you! Jump upon this stone as I did. We can then jump to the other side. Come now!"
"O Mother ! We can't, we can't!" said all the little chicken.
"Yes you can if you try," said the old hen.
"Just flap your wings as I did, and you can jump over."
"I am flapping my wings," said Chiku, who stood by himself, "but I can't jump any better than I could before."

A little chicken, who stood by himself was called __________.
Only one hidden name

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

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Class : Class 3

Ans 2:

Class : Class 5
Answer should be option B

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

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Class : Class 4

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 2

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

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Class : Class 9

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

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Class : Class 6
The answer is C, because 'H' is silent in 'hour'

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
Bella was fed up and bored of being cooped up inside. So, as soon as the weather seemed to be getting better, she took the opportunity to stretch her legs and get some fresh air. And the air was exactly that. Other people may call it icy with an unpleasantly strong wind, but for the girl, it was exhilarating and refreshing. She had wrapped up warm, in a large overcoat and hat, gloves and scarf. Her fingers had a tendency of getting much colder than the rest of her body, so she always wore gloves when the temperature was under five degrees. On this day, she wore her favourite pair that were very insulating and made of natural fibres and kept her hands warm.
Bella opened the front door and made bold strides down the path to get her blood moving properly. After a few minutes of walking like this and using lots of energy, she was just as warm as she would have been at the height of summer. She took her hat off and her hair blew in the wind. Her ears were a little chilly, but they helped to cool the rest of her as she walked on briskly. She was generally very healthy and put this down to the fact that she loved to walk, whatever the weather. She felt that less healthy people would stay at home on a day like this one, but they wouldn't be as happy as she was.
She thought that the fresh air definitely lifted her entire mood, and she went from feeling sombre to excitable and full of energy.
The trees had lost most of their leaves and their skeletal figures were clear against the grey sky. Bella looked up at them and could see birds perching with difficulty, struggling to keep themselves in place while the wind tried to blow them away. Some birds occasionally gave up and let the wind carry them with great speed, to wherever it seemed to want them to go. She thought this was a clever but scary thing for them to do. Bella wondered why the wind seemed to be in such a hurry today. She was walking against it, but it was still trying hard to push her towards the place that the birds had been taken. She resisted and strode on.
How did the girl get warm?

ABy talking
BBy moving
CBy singing
DBy running

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