International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 394

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

Ans 1:

Class : Class 2

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6
You are absolutely right Vaishnavi.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 5
it's answer B. KILL

Ans 4:

Class : Class 5
the correct answer is charm [A]

Ans 5:

Class : Class 9

Ans 6:

Class : Class 8
b) kill

Ans 7: (Master Answer)

Class : Class 1

The correct answer is B

Ans 8:

Class : Class 8

Ans 9:

Class : Class 6
Just looke up on the internet. The answer is dressed to kill. Thank you dear Admin..

Ans 10:

Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

Ans 1:

Class : Class 9
yes should have been No!!!!

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6
OMG is correct only

Ans 3:

Class : Class 9
Should’ve been “no!” Because no is more relavant than oh my god

Ans 4:

Class : Class 4

Ans 5:

Class : Class 5
It should be the expression,"no!!!!!!", or I've been reading too much Tom Gates.

Ans 6:

Class : Class 6
Omg and no! Same

Ans 7:

Class : Class 4
Yes It Should Be No!

Ans 8:

Class : Class 4
the answer should have been No!

Ans 9:

Class : Class 2
No! seems the best option. In that situation, I would have said it too.

Ans 10:

Class : Class 4

Ans 11:

Class : Class 9
Yes, it should be "No"

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 2

Ans 1: (Master Answer)

Class : Class 1

The answer is D - Brave.

'Brave' means 'to be courageous', and to win a battle the king requires a lot of courage.

So,the answer is: The __brave______ king had won the battle. 

Ans 2:

Class : Class 4
yes, d is the correct answer - brave

Ans 3:

Class : Class 2
Thanks 🙏 ADMIN

Ans 4:

Class : Class 2

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

Ans 1: (Master Answer)

Class : Class 1

The correct answer is A.

Ans 2:

Class : Class 4

Ans 3:

Class : Class 8
The correct answer is 'C'YOU ARE WRONG.

Ans 4:

Class : Class 3
correct answer is red but given black why?

Ans 5:

Class : Class 4

Ans 6:

Class : Class 8

Ans 7:

Class : Class 4
Why A

Ans 8:

Class : Class 5

Ans 9:

Class : Class 5
the corect answer is c because when any body get's angry everybody has a red eye not a black eye

Ans 10:

Class : Class 5
It is written that have you fight it is not written that have you been angry and when we get angry then only or when we want to sleep or get very tired then our eye gets red so that’s why red cannot be the answer and our eyes cannot be blue and green colour so these three answers cannot be so the last is black and even our eyes get black when we fight

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

Ans 1:

Class : Class 4
please explain

Ans 2:

Class : Class 4
not all of the above because one answer is wrong

Ans 3:

Class : Class 4
well Thira Kanna, Although Rehan ran fast, he missed the metro, means that he missed the metro even though he ran fast. so the correct answer is (A)

Ans 4:

Class : Class 4
It also can be Rehan ran fast although he missed the bus .

Ans 5:

Class : Class 5
it can be altough rehan ran fast he missed the metroand rehan ran fast although he missed the metro so the answer is all of above

Ans 6: (Master Answer)

Class : Class 1

The answer is A- 'Although Rehan ran fast, he missed the metro.'

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

Ans 1: (Master Answer)

Class : Class 1

The correct answer is C - 'This is an expensive but useful gift.'

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

Ans 1:

Class : Class 5
The answer is B.

Ans 2:

Class : Class 5

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

Ans 1:

Class : Class 6

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

Read the passages given below and answer the question that follow :
The Cricket and the Ants
It was summer and the cricket sat on an ear of wheat happily singing and enjoying the sun. He felt extremely sorry for the ants, who worked ceaselessly looking for grains of wheat to take back to their store. Poor things, they really did not know-how to enjoy life.
But soon the winter came and the thoughtless cricket had no food at all to eat. He would surely have died of hunger if it had not been for the generous ants who had given him some of their grain.
"Think of keeping something for the rainy days."
What is the moral of the story?

A Wait for rainy season.
B Save for rainy days.
C Rainy days can come any day.
D None of the above.

Ans 1:

Class : Class 8
I think they are wrong. It is Op. D

Ans 2:

Class : Class 6
Not save for rainy days it is mentioned winter.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 6
Answer is (b) SAVE FOR RAINY DAYS ☔️☔️☔️

Ans 4:

Class : Class 5
It should be, save for times in need

Ans 5:

Class : Class 8

Ans 6:

Class : Class 5
d none of the above

Ans 7:

Class : Class 9
it should be d because we humans do not need to save for rain we can go out . it is wrong

Ans 8:

Class : Class 5
Save for rainy days.

Ans 9:

Class : Class 10
In the IEO booklet the answer is ''save for the days of need '' , then how the answer is save for rainy days ?

Ans 10:

Class : Class 5
it has to be none of the above since save for rainy days is not the literal meaning

Ans 11:

Class : Class 5
It has to be D because rainy days isn't the literal meaning. The actual meaning is wor hard save things for future

Ans 12:

Class : Class 5

Ans 13:

Class : Class 6
ANSWER is D because save for rainy days dosen't have a literal meaningand neither the A and C. so the answer is option D

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 5

Ans 1:

Class : Class 3
It will be one self

Ans 2:

Class : Class 7
Oneself is wrong.

Ans 3:

Class : Class 5
the correct answer is oneself as the sentence starts with one

Ans 4:

Class : Class 5

Ans 5:

Class : Class 6

Ans 6:

Class : Class 5

Ans 7:

Class : Class 5

Ans 8:

Class : Class 6

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