International English Olympiad Forum By SOF Olympiad Trainer - Page 230

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 7

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Class : Class 8

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Class : Class 9
this is not do we know which food item to first honey or sugar... it could be anything...they both make sense...please someone see this question

Ans 3:

Class : Class 8
Vartika Agarwal, I agree totally.. Its utterly confusing!!

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

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Class : Class 4
The answer is [C].

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 4
So easy question the answer is option [B].

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 8

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 3

A zoo employee was bitten recently by a large poisonous snake called an African puff adder. He was trying to put the snake into a bag so that it could be moved to a new snake house. The snake handler was wearing thick gloves and thick boots, but the adder still bit him in his arm. The handler squeezed the snake's neck tightly, forcing the snake to withdraw its fangs. He then put the snake into the bag and tied the bag.
He called the emergency services to report that the adder had bitten him; when doctors arrived at the new snake house, they could not find the snake or man. They started walking back toward the old snake house. A few moments later, they found the handler lying unconscious on a pathway. Curiously, the bag with the snake still in it was covering the man's head and part of his chest.
The paramedics handed the bag to another zoo employee, who delivered the snake to its new home. They then transported the handler to the city hospital. Later, a hospital spokesman said that the handler was in good condition. He said that viper bites can cause a lot of damage in the immediate area of the bite if not treated properly and quickly, but it looked like this man would recover completely.
The zoo director said that this particular adder had a nasty reputation. This was the fifth time in six years that it had managed to bite someone. Fortunately, the previous victims also recovered fully. Although the penultimate one now has a fear of snakes which is why the new handler that was bitten was working with the snakes. In the future, the director joked, they might call the bomb disposal unit to handle the snake.
The handler was found _________.

A waiting near the gate house
B in the old snake house
C in the new snake house
D unconscious on a pathway

Ans 1:

Class : Class 7

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

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Class : Class 4
Answer a remarkable

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 6

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Class : Class 6

Ans 2:

Class : Class 9
I choose it's opt C

Ans 3:

Class : Class 6
I think it is D.

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

In 2014 the islanders of the Isle of Head chose altogether to stop government interference on their small island. They decided to purchase the whole island as a consortium now known as 'The Isle of Head Organisation', or TIHO for short. They now, like many other islands off the west coast, can set their own standard of living using a village tribunal system. In fact, this was what they were after originally. This way of living is not unfamiliar, but what they have decided to do on their island is somewhat quirky.
Head currently has limited access to the mainland and as the population shrank as too did the number of visitors; consequently, there is no need for frequent ferries. Although, it's not unknown for there to be multiple sailings at the weekend which people like greatly for the ease of access. That combined with a journey time of just over 25 minutes on calm seas and sometimes over 1-hour per sailing on other days has meant that the service operates on a 'need to' basis and sails only once there are enough passengers waiting to make the crossing worthwhile.
The village has several highly skilled citizens which has proved useful as they have decided that they will, in the most part, be self-sufficient. Central to this philosophy is the principle that they will educate their own primary and secondary school pupils and that the three 20-year olds will study together communicating through the web with colleges and universities elsewhere. It has been raised as a potential issue and there is an inquiry ongoing to check that the education the islanders get is of a suitable standard.
The Islanders don't _________.

A happen to need any books
B want any help from the mainland
C desire the usage of mobile connections
D think they need any more ferries

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

For more than ten years, there has been agreements with countries such as Switzerland that have been keen to have "brain exchange" programmes with India. In the past it was assumed that both or all countries that have signed agreements for cooperation in education management and science and technology could benefit from sharing their brightest and best minds. In general, these programmes have led to increased development for diversifying cooperation in economic and other sectors as well.
Of late there has been a move toward the supply of funding for international travel and engagement for younger and younger people. There are obvious issues when asking minors under the age of 18 to study abroad. There have been discussions about the ethics and coordination of the possibility of transplanting; not just moving the student but also their entire support network. People have put a whole range of ideas forward as to why being educationally mobile should be an option and an almost equal amount of negative reasons for students to stay in their home countries.
One thing that is definite is that even though there seems to be largescale competition throughout the world for resources, jobs and security. There is no doubt that the last decade has shown that there is a strong correlation between a country's success and its educational or knowledge based ties. This relationship is clearly beneficial but the issues concerning the answers to a range of questions that are now just being asked about the permissibility of allowing "brain exchanges" earlier and earlier are yet to be answered fully.
Everyone agrees, ___________.

A there are benefits of this type of programme
B it is a lot more than just education at stake
C we can all make children work harder
D to lend more money to develop countries who need better jobs

The answer is [ a]

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Subject :IEO    Class : Class 4

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