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Ans 5: (Master Answer)
Class : Class 1
The wind brings a lot of things in the poem and it is shown to cause a number of things such as breaking windows, the scattering of papers etc. Hence, it is shown to bring destruction.
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Ans 1:
Class : Class 2
This is a picture of a classroom there is a chair table for the teacher a student just cleaning the table and while there is no teacher in the room so there is a display of a? In that? But will come because it suits the best
Ans 5:
Class : Class 2
There this is the picture of the classroom there is a chair â a table for the teacher a student is cleaning the table â the other is cleaning the blackboard all the four students are working but there is no teacher in the room their classroom looks good â they cleaner delete the principle that the teachers are very happy with that their students by Gaurikabhasin