• The fraction expressed in points is decimals. For instance, the fraction 1/4, when expressed in decimal becomes 0.25. The fraction 1/4, when converted converted into percentage becomes 1/4 X 100 = 25%. 
  • A Decimal Number (based on the number 10) contains a Decimal Point.
  • Every fraction can be written in decimals, percentage and vice versa.
  • Every decimal can be written as a fraction.
  • Example : Lets take a decimal 0.30. To convert it into fraction we have to multiply the decimal by 10 for every number after the decimal point and then divide by the same number.
  • For example to convert 0.30 into fraction we have to multiply it by 10, that is 0.3 X 10 = 3. Then divide it by 10, that is 3/10.  
  • If the decimal 0.03 is to be converted into fraction, then we have to multiply it by 100, and then divide by 100 ( 3/100 ). 
  • Any two decimal numbers can be compared among themselves. 
  • The decimal 3.10 > 3.06 > 3.04 > 3.005 > 3.004

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