• Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.
  • Excel files are called workbooks. Each workbook holds one or more worksheets (also known as spreadsheets).
  • When you open an Excel workbook, there are three worksheets by default. The default names on the worksheet tabs are Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3.
  • Each rectangle in a worksheet is called a cell. A cell is the intersection of a row and a column.
  • Cells are the basic building blocks of a worksheet. They can contain a variety of content such as text, formatting attributes, formulas,and functions.
  • Each cell has a name, or a cell address based on which column and row it intersects. The cell address of a selected cell appears in the name box.
  • A group of cells is known as a cell range. Rather than a single cell address, you will refer to a cell range using the cell addresses of the first and last cells in the cell range, separated by a colon. For example, a cell range that included cells A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 would be written as A1:A5.
  • Cell content: Each cell can contain its own text, formatting, comments, formulas, and functions.
    1. Text: Cells can contain letters, numbers, and dates.
    2. Formatting attributes: Cells can contain formatting attributes that change the way letters, numbers, and dates are displayed.
    3. Comments: Cells can contain comments from multiple reviewers.
    4. Formulas and functions: Cells can contain formulas and functions that calculate cell values. For example, SUM(cell 1, cell 2...) is a formula that can add the values in multiple cells.
  • When you open a new blank workbook, the cells are set to a default size. You have the ability to modify cells, as well as to insert and delete columns, rows, and cells as needed.
  • If a cell contains more text than can be displayed, you can choose to wrap the text within the cell or merge the cell with empty adjoining cells. Wrap text to make it display on multiple lines of the cell. Merge cells to combine adjoining cells into one larger cell.
  • Row numbers ranges from 1 to 1048576; in total 1048576 rows, and Columns ranges from A to XFD; in total 16384 columns.
  • The Ribbon and Quick Access toolbar are where you'll find the commands you need to perform common tasks in Excel.
    1. Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. You can add your own tabs that contain your favorite commands.
    2. The Quick Access toolbar, above the Ribbon, lets you access common commands no matter which tab you are on. By default, it shows the Save, Undo, and Repeat commands. You can add other commands to make it more convenient for you.
  • Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing your document.
  • Excel uses standard operators for equations, such as a plus sign for addition (+), minus sign for subtraction (-), asterisk for multiplication (*), forward slash for division (/), and caret (^) for exponents.
  • A, formula is an equation that performs a calculation. Like a calculator, Excel can execute formulas that add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
    One of Excel's most useful features is its ability to calculate using a cell address to represent the value in a cell. This is called using a cell reference, The key thing to remember when writing formulas for Excel is that all formulas must begin with an equals sign (=).
  • Important Formulas:
  • Formula Description
    =SUM(Cell Refernce, Cell Refernce) It allows you to add 2 or more numbers together. You can use cell references as well in this formula.
    =COUNT(Cell Refernce:cell Refernce) The count formula counts the number of cells in a range that have numbers in them.
    This formula only works with numbers.
    =COUNTA(Cell Refernce:Cell Refernce) Counts the number of non-empty cells in a range. It will count cells that have numbers
    and/or any other characters in them. The COUNTA Formula works with all data types.
    =LEN(Cell Refernce) The LEN formula counts the number of characters in a cell. Be careful though! This includes spaces.
    =TRIM(Cell Refernce) Gets rid of any space in a cell, except for single spaces between words.
    =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup) Looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify…
    =IF(logical_statement, return this if logical statement is true, return this if logical statement is false) Gives the desired intelligence to a program, so that it can take decisions based on a criteria and most importantly decide the program flow.
    =SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range) It allows you to add 2 or more numbers together, if condition is satisfied.

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