If an earthquake occurs, which of the following you should not do?
A If you are indoors, stay in and get under a desk or a table.
B If you are outdoors, stay away from trees and buildings.
C If you are on a beach, get into the sea.
D All of these
how can the answer be d
Ans 2:
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Class : Class 8
but the desk can protect you,in the synopsis it said to get under a table and cover your head with a pillow
Ans 3:
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Class : Class 10
answer should be (A) if the building falls or something falls on the table we will die
Ans 7:
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Class : Class 6
please look at the question. it says what is incorrect to do so, only. (c) is correct option
Ans 9:
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Class : Class 7
Hello Everyone, the answer is option 'C' and it is absolutely correct because the question says that which of the following should you NOT do in an earthquake. Please read the questions carefully before complaining.
Ans 10:
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Ans 12:
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Class : Class 7
Read in the synopsis of the ch . It is written to get under a desk . You are right Shaurya Veer . Fault of SOF !!!!!!!!!!