Choose the best option to fill in the blanks.
Bansilal's train was late and it
__()__ Mumbai a little after midnight.
It was his __()__ visit to the city and he
__()__ know where to go. He thought he
would go to a free inn where he __()__ to
pay rent, but he did not know how to find
one at that hour. He asked a porter to get
him a cheap room. The porter __()__ if
Bansilal gave him three rupees, he would
take him to one. But Bansilal waved him
away and walked out of the station. He sat
down on a park bench to think what he
__()__ do next. He woke up the next
morning __()__ in every limb, but he
smiled when he realised that it was the
__(?)__ night's lodging that he had ever
Dnone of these