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Subject :ICSO    Class : Class 8

Select the odd one out regarding mail transfer protocol.


please specify the the use of above protocols. and mainly use of smtp protocol

Ans 1:

Class : Class 9
The answer is NNTP. Well, POP is Post Office Protocol.Used by nearby clients to recieve e-mails over the normal IP.Generally in lonely areas. NNTP is Network News Transfer Protocol.Obviously used by news relaying servers. SMTP is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.It is the main basic and most used protocol for emailing.Used as a standard in email relay. IMAP is Internet Message Access Protocol.Used to store mails in email server and can be used to access them. Hope it helps mate!!!

Ans 2:

Class : Class 9
The answer is NNTP. Well, POP is Post Office Protocol.Used by nearby clients to recieve e-mails over the normal IP.Generally in lonely areas. NNTP is Network News Transfer Protocol.Obviously used by news relaying servers. SMTP is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.It is the main basic and most used protocol for emailing.Used as a standard in email relay. IMAP is Internet Message Access Protocol.Used to store mails in email server and can be used to access them. Hope it helps mate!!!

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