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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 7

Which of the following is CORRECT?

Am = 100°
Bx + y = 80°
Cw - y = 30°


Ans 1: (Master Answer)

Class : Class 1


x = 180 - (100 + 25) [Sum of interior angles in triangle in 180°]
= 55°
y = 25° [Alternate angle]
m = x = 55° [Corresponding angles]
w = 180º - (55º + m) [Sum of interior angles in triangle in 180°]
= 180º - (55º + 55º) = 70º
w = z + 25º [Corresponding angles]
z = 70º - 25º  = 45°
x + y = 55º + 25º = 80°

w - y= 70º - 25º = 45°


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