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Subject :IMO    Class : Class 5

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ?

A The place value of the digit '3' in the number 543765 is 3000.
B The place value of the digit '6' in the number 6734581 is predecessor of 5999999.
C In the number 1876523, the place value of the digit '1' is 1000000.
D The place value of the digit '5' in the number 7658321 is successor of 49999.

All the statements are correct. No correct answer is given in options

Ans 1:

Class : Class 5

Ans 2:

Class : Class 7
Ans is D

Ans 3:

Class : Class 3
Ans D is wrong because successor means 1 and predecessor means -1. So, 5 in 7658321 is 50000, which is predecessor of 49999 not the successor

Ans 4:

Class : Class 6
B is the answer because the place of value of 6 in the given number is 6000000, which is the successor of 5999999, not the predecessor.

Ans 5:

Class : Class 7
Their answer is correct.

Ans 6:

Class : Class 8

Ans 7:

Class : Class 8
Ans. B is incorrect because place value of 6 in 6734581 is 6000000, which is successor of 59999999 and not the predecessor

Ans 8:

Class : Class 3
this answer has to be corrected

Ans 9:

Class : Class 4
answer is b

Ans 10:

Class : Class 7
B is the answer to this

Ans 11:

Class : Class 8

Ans 12:

Class : Class 3
and you all check in the library books or in any other book shop

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